Sunday, January 19, 2014


Make my aim

Consequences of industrialization => instead of signify, they create inside
Migration=> from rural to urban=> Gecekondu yaplar artyor ve buralardan oy toplamaya balyorlar.
Social nimbleness increasing=> workers, students=> 1968=> Big move in the world.
End of 1960’s=> Polarization left and up~
Elections=> 1961, October
Before elections starting a~ parties are established=> Justice Party(Adalet Partisi) founded subsequent NUC. The ruler and founder of this assembly was Ragp Gmpala=> JP was seen in the same manner with the follower of DP.
Workers Party of Turkey(TP)=> 1961=> After 1962 win uch support from intellectuals
New Turkey Part(YTP)=> 1961
1961 elections=> A age of Transition-the Period of Coalition, 1961-1965
Caretaker command=> 1964-1965 until 1965 elections
Result of 1961 elections=> RPP
RPNP(Cumhuriyeti Kyl Halk Partisi)=> It was NP in 1948 and it is closed in 1953 ~ the agency of DP
RNP=> They are not highly influential=> It unified with RPNP
Yeni seim sistemine pierce tek bana iktiadar kurmak mmkn deil, hibir parti ounluu salayamyor=> as of the proportional election system, in that place was not a major party=> Single litigant domination cannot be seen. eitli confederation oluuyor. Coalitions mainly led by smet nn

Coalitions=> 1) RPP federation=> RPP+JP=>(1.nn coalition) => not be unconsumed long=> JP was the continuation of DP=> JP moved from the co-partnership
2) RPP+ RPNP+NTP=>(2.nn confederacy)=> not lasted very long=> local elections=> JP gained capability=> after that coalition is failed
3) RPP+ Independents=> not be unexhausted very long=>1964=> nn resign

New faces in political science=> Ragp Gmpal died in 1964=> Demirel came=> He became lucky after 1965=> He became leader of JP
Before 1965 Elections=> Demirel’s tactic=> Emphasis in successi~ the Islamic character of the company and on traditional values and immutable anti-communist propaganda campaign. Focused in c~tinuance Industrialization and national...

Do me paper

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